Saturday, January 23, 2016



As I have rejoined the work force, I have decreased my sewing sales. I just don't have the time any more. But I know many people love the way I make my g tube pads/rings. 

So I'd love to share how I do them with everyone. 

Make your pattern-- I like 3" rings (I sell way more 3" than 4") Draw a 3.5" circle on a paper bag/construction paper/cereal box. Cut out.

Gather some absorbent scraps of fabric. I suggest flannel, terry cloth, zorb..
Cut 3 circles per pad you want to make. My favorite combination is 2 outer layers of flannel and one layer of (hidden) terry cloth.

 Place the terry cloth on the bottom. Flannel right side up on top. Then other piece of flannel on top, right side DOWN. That way the right sides are facing each other. I used some Pink Zeppelin peacock knit in my pictures. It's super soft like flannel.

Cut a slit toward the center, with a small circle at the center (about a half inch diameter), through all layers.

Sew with a 1/4" seam allowance down the slit, around the circle, and up the other slit.

Snip the corners.

Turn so the right sides of the fabrics are facing out.

If you have a serger, serge around the edge of the circumference. Be sure to let the serger cut off excess terry cloth, and make sure the under layer is included with the stitches.

Make sure you leave 3-4" tail on each edge.

Using a darning needle, thread the tails about an inch back into the overlock stitches.

I like to use Fray Check to secure the threads. Trim tails.

Add snaps.

Make sure the snap socket and studs line up and fit together. (Snap removal stinks!)

Viola! Now go make more :) Donate to local hospitals! Share the Tubie Love!

*If you do not have a serger, I suggest using an overcasting stitch on your machine. I like number 6 and set the width to 5 (widest possible).* Trim excess terry cloth prior to stitching.


  1. Thanks for sharing this. How hard is it to serge such a small area?

  2. I have a friend whose son, 4 y/o, is undergoing surgery for a g-tube this week. These would be great for him. If anyone is making them for donation, please message me. I know she would be blessed by them. Thanks so much. Be blessed, Jude

  3. What are the nice little plastic snaps called? Or just plastic snaps 😉 thanks for the nice tips. Can't wait to make a bunch of these. Have people I know that need them and would love to donate as well

    1. I order mine from
      I get the size 20, but I hear 16 works well too, they are a little smaller. You will need the special hand press for these since they are not metal, the majority of the ones sold in stores are for metal Snap/buttons.
